Even though we broadcast
from the back of a humongeous Three
Person orange low-rider Bicycle while riding around UBC
we still want you to phone us up or email
us at the show!
You can email
us anytime if you have questions, feedback, requests or links. Call
up live or on email
so that we can respond to you right on the air!
To contact
the regular hosts DJ Helmut Hair, Chain Breaker Jane and Riff Sailor:
phone us up (live
only) at 604 UBC-CiTR (822-2487)
we use the email
or phone and leave a message for us with Riff Sailor at 604-682-3269 extension 8646
This show is about the whole bike/pedestrian/alternative
transport community, and we NEED your imput:
events, issues, bike music, whatever you can think of - let's broadcast
the velorution.