Shows are listed with newest first and oldest last and seperated by year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003...
Here we will try to document all of the shows we
have broadcast so far on CiTR since the show began in November 2000.
Details include guests, special topics, repair tip of the week and link
to the realaudio recording (if avaliable)
To listen you need the Realaudioplayer
(which is free but do not give them your real information or do the regular
updates because they are an evil, evil corporation)
Last Updated: March 16, 2003 [incomplete]
We have recorded almost
all of our shows on Cassette Tape and eventually we will reformat them into
real audio and post them here. When we first started we put 3 early shows
on real audio and they are posted on Vancouver Indymedia with the links below.
If anybody would like to help us record all the other (now more than 60)
cassettes into the computer it would be very much appreciated! Or if anybody is capable of recording our internet broadcast live as it happens (with a streaming mp3 recording program) and is willing to help us in that way that would be very useful.
Thursday Mar. 13, 2003 (5:00 - 6:00):
guest: Jivian the semi-naked cyclist
special features:
tried to phone Tooked Gomberg but he didn't answer. Report on February Critical
Mass and the Burrard St Bridge Bike Lane Ride of March 1. More on the Oil
- New Music: Newest Exhaust Album, Enregistreur, the same people of God Speed You Black Emperor! and One-Speed Bike.
Recorded and soon to be online!
... [shows every two weeks 2001-2003 not yet transcribed]
Thursday Feb.
15, 2001 (5:30 - 6:00):
Velolove Special
guests: DJ Antennahead
Julie, Fossilosopher King reading his poem about the Love of Air
special features:
tantalizing readings from the Winter Solstice issue of Western Bush. Also
pedalsongs: A Bicycle Built for Two and Queens of the Road
Recorded and soon to be online!
Feb. 1, 2001 (5:30 - 6:00):
Levy's dead - what now?
Thursday Jan.
18, 2001 (5:30 - 6:00):
Jan. 11, 2001 (5:20 - 6:00):
the CBC
Dec. 28, 2000 (5:00 - 6:00):
and Fossilosophy Special (1 hour long)
Thursday Dec. 14, 2000 (5:30 - 6:00):
Snowy Day!
Nov. 30, 2000 (5:30 - 6:00):
Anniversary Show
Thursday Nov. 16, 2000 (5:30 - 6:00):
Premiere Show
This show is about the whole bike/pedestrian/alternative
transport community, and we NEED your imput:
events, issues, bike music, whatever you can think of - let's broadcast
the velorution.
Contact us! |