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> > > this here page may be outdated: < < <
Goto the Dynamic Vancouver CM Blog for Updates

Critical Mass is a grassroots reclamation of public space -- a bike ride and skate -- held the last Friday of every month. You are invited to enjoy the safety and comfort in the car-free space that we create by simply riding together! Bicycles, skateboards, rollerskates, self propelled couches, and any other form of human powered locomotion are all welcomed!
meet 5 to 5:30 pm,
leave 6 pm

last friday of EVERY month
at the Vancouver Art Gallery on the Georgia Street side [by the fountain] ride in all the streets

We go in the rain, snow, or sunshine -- every month of the year -- plus, special rides: like the Wholesome Undy or Clitoral Mass. Come out, bring your friends and families, bring costumes, noisemakers and signs.

  Enjoy the ride!

: today's picture from the database :

.oO--- pic/foto/2002/oct_6152.jpg ---Oo.

Webspace donated by SqueegeeMedia | AntiCopyright Notice

:  days until next critical mass
[not including special rides]
last friday of this month: :

Pedal Works!
the other world CM hub
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