Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels

The Rocky Dino Opera



Brad and Janet arrive in East Vancouver in their Ford Extinction. Their car breaks down and they look for help in an abandoned East Van Esso station, where they meet the dinosaurs against fossil fuels...

...and the bike-sexuals Lilith Butch, Scotty Wired and Maggi Molotov the dinotamer.


Maggi and Lilith try to convince Brad and Janet of the benefits of a fossil free lifestyle...



...and Weedo Luddite channels a fossilosophy rant from the dinosaurs



Finally Janet is seduced and converted to a bikesexual lifestyle.



Lyrics of songs from the Rocky Dino Opera are on the Millennium Art Gallery website.


Who Are the DINOS?
What's wrong with burning fossils anyway?
Why do the Dinos like bikes?
Vancouver DINO history and video
The Rocky Dino Opera