Updates....news....and the last couple of weeks.
Hey All,
Well it is the last day of May for you all, the first day of June here in NZ. I am cheating; trying to get an entry on the blog b4 MAy is over. Thanks goodness for the time difference.
Lots has been happening.
Travelled over the mighty Cook Strait to the North Island about 2 weeks ago. The Cook Strati can be a horrendous crossing, barf bags are all over the ship, and theships are serious sea faring vessels - kind of like a cross between our ferries and a cruise ship. A three hour tour....
The first weekend here in Wellington was so great. Two sets of aunts & uncles, 3 cousins and a Granny. We played cards, ate yummy food and generally hung out. I am a serious family lover, and it meant som cuh to me to be able to be with multiple family memebers. We never really had much family around most of my life, so I am cherishing this time.
I have been staying with my aunt Janet, uncle Brendan and cousins Harry (9) and Molly (12). This trip was the first time I had met Molly & Harry, as they were born after I was here in 1990. We have had fun bike riding and flying kites. It's been nice helping out; after school pick ups and helping with home work.
My uncle is a big wig in the NZ Music Industry and he has been skoolin me in NZ music which is great. I'll in turn skool som e of ya'll when I return. This past weekend we went and checked out a bunch of bands at this national music charity telathon.
Well this city is really cool. It is about the size of Victoria/Halifax. Surrounded by water with crazy rolling hills all around. Wellingotn is the capital, housing Parliament and 2 universities. It has a really neat feel about it. Small, relative to Vancouver (population 400-500,000). It is the most southern city/point on the North Island. The only real neagative is it gets crazy weather.
Weather systems travel sup teh SOuth Isladn and hit Wellington. Teh cook Strati brings in funky wearther too. And it gets SOOOO windy here. Like nothing we are used too. Kind of San Fransico-esque as it is hilly and windy.
It has been great being in a city again after my time in the country. Besides all the fun city stuff: good looking people, style, culture, night clubs etc. It has been really fun to ride in an urban setting again. The country adn touring is totally different to being a city cyclist. As many of you will know.
I have sussed out the local anarchist bookshop and the Peace & Env't Centre (housed in a building much like the Dominion in Vancouver). Tried to connect with some local activists. AND...
....sadly I have to report I was DISAPPOINTED yet again, by a no-show CRITICAL MASS! Arrgghhh. What is a grl to do?! The P&E Centre even had flyers for a CM ride, but it didn't happen.
I have been hangign out with a friend-James- here in Wellington too. So that's been great, having a friend and companion to get up to no good with. Went out dancing with a couple of his grl friends last week and that was cool. Ha! I have even frequented the same night club enough times that I have made friends with a regular. How funny!!!
So its been good.
Riding all around the area.
Enjoying some fun-time after all the work.
Actually she's my little sister, but it is Big News!!!
My sister Maren has landed herself a job working for the Govenor General Dame Silvia Cartright !! She will be the next Aid de Compe (sp?), which is the right hand women to the GG. Pretty friggin cool. The only down fall is that the new job start early July, so our plans of me living with Maren for a wee while b4 coming home have changed. As a result I have had to rearrange my travels plans; heading up to Auckland next, then will go to Australia a bit later.
So as you can see it is a big year for the Fisher fam-damily. My folks arrive in about 4 weeeks and teh sis has landed a cool job.
I am so excited for all you lucky people. Bike Month is here and it sounds like there are tonnes of amazing things happening. The Internatioanl Nude ride, the 2000+4 Ride. And I just realized the 4th annual Wholesome Undie.
I can say for sure that I miss the ever amazing and cool bike community.
You all ROCK!!!
Guess that will be all for now.
As always I will remeber stuff I forgot....
Thinking of you over the PAcific.
we miss ya! planning for the ride is fun but I know last year you were a whirlwind. take the lane
Posted by: rusl at June 2, 2004 01:54 PMHi Cara
Glad to hear the news. Let me know about the Australia schedule and I'll try to get some fam and friend links there to visit. Sounds like a wonderful journey. Happy trails and L.
Posted by: M~~~ at June 4, 2004 09:19 AM